Need an Independent Person (IP) for a secure accommodation (criteria) review or SAR?
Independent Person (IP) referrals can be made securely using the form below.
An Independent Person is required to take part in the criteria review of children and young people in Secure Accommodation or SAR under Regulation 15 of the Children (Secure Accommodation) Regulations 1991
RRC has provided an Independent Person service to Local Authorities (nationwide) since 2003 under annual contracts or through spot purchase arrangements.
Independent Person in Secure Accommodation Reviews
The role of the Independent Person (IP) is to be an active member of the decision making panel which decides whether or not the criteria for keeping a young person in secure accommodation continue to apply.
All RRC IPs have relevant backgrounds in children’s social work especially looked after children, vulnerable children in need of protection and children’s residential care including secure children’s homes. IPs are comprehensively supported with training, guidance and support from RRC to enable them to undertake their professional roles.
The Secure Accommodation (criteria) Review or SAR
The purpose of the secure accommodation review or SAR is only to assess whether or not the conditions for keeping a child or young person in secure accommodation still apply. The secure accommodation review is not a substitute for and does not replace the statutory review of the child’s overall care plan, which must be chaired by the child’s IRO.
If the Panel recommends that the criteria for restricting the child’s liberty no longer apply, or that the placement is no longer necessary, or another type of placement would be appropriate, then the local authority must urgently convene a statutory review of the child’s care plan, chaired by their IRO. The review should consider how the child’s needs will be met in a non-secure setting and plan how this move will be managed so that it takes place in a way that is least disruptive to the child concerned.
Young People and Secure Accommodation Reviews
Are you a young person in secure accommodation or are you someone who works with a young person in secure accommodation? You can download and print your young person’s guide to secure accommodation reviews here and watch our short video presentation
Good Practice in Secure Accommodation Reviews
RRC has produced good practice guidelines for Independent Persons and Local Authorities involved in the review of young people placed in secure accommodation for welfare reasons under Section 25 of the Children Act 1989.
The aim of the guidelines is to support best practice in reviewing secure placements, ensuring young people’s rights are maintained, enabling their needs to be met and to ensure that their voice is heard in the decision making process.
The guidelines summarise the legal framework for secure accommodation reviews and suggest an agenda for the Chair to follow. They outline the roles of the Independent Person and the Chair of the Panel and are a helpful guide for social workers, advocates and others involved in the review process.
Are you a Local Authority / Trust?
Enter your name and email address and we will send you an E brochure of our Independent Person for Secure Accommodation Reviews service. You can also read further benefits here.
*You must provide a valid UK Local Authority / Trust email address eg: